Wednesday 15 August 2007

Where did the summer go?

Hi folks.

My, how time flies? Since the last scribe we have opened up again and then had our official opening on July 30th. Apologies for not having any photos. I borrowed a camera and the owner has 'mogged off' (I never did fully understand what that meant) on his hols so I haven't got any to show you. There is a good one on the BC website until I can fire one up myself for the 'record'.

Also, our new T.D.O. has taken the reins over from Andrea. The new 'bod' is none other than Bob Barber who, I'm sure you'll know, has been working here as one of the team of coaches.

The track is up and running again, beautifully smooth but starting to get a bit dirty already! Still, it's nice to have riders on it again. We could do with a few more too.

There are quite a few slots available on the run up to the Nationals in October so sort out a group, get on the 'blower' and to come to the newest track in the country (probably the world!)

That's it for now.


Tony O'B